Tomorrow night (Wednesday 4/8/20) we will gather again via Google Hangouts for a time of prayer at 7PM. We hope you will be able to join us. Check your inbox for the email from riversidecartersville@gmail.com for the link to RSVP.
Also, the PCA has published a daily Prayer Guide for the month of April which is a great resource in how we can pray for the church, our nation, and the world.
While Governor Kemp announced yesterday that many businesses will be reopening this weekend, we are not sure yet when we will be able to resume our worship services. I will be talking with the leaders of the Seventh Day Adventist Church regarding their plans to reopen the building, and the guidelines we will need to follow in order to be able to safely resume meeting together. Please pray for wisdom for everyone involved in the planning process, and that we will soon be able to gather for morning worship.
For the time being, we will have to continue to worship at home this coming Lord’s Day. Micah and I will continue to provide the songs, order of worship, and link to the sermons each week to guide you in worshipping at home. Look for those on Saturday evenings.
Micah and Emilee will also continue our virtual hymn sing on Sunday evenings at 7PM until we are able to gather again for worship. Look for Micah’s Zoom invite this weekend.

Don’t forget, just because our weekly corporate worship gathering is on pause, let us not pause our generosity and contributing our tithes and offerings in worship. Click on the image below to give electronically:

Or, if you would like to contribute by check, etc. you can mail it to:
Riverside Community Church
14 Moss Way NW
Cartersville, Ga 30120

As we pray for the needs of one another, let us also pray “Frontline Prayers” for the Lord’s Name to be hallowed, and His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. Let’s pray for:
1. A request for grace to confess sins and to humble ourselves before God
2. A compassion & zeal for the flourishing of the church and the reaching of the lost with the good news of Christ
3. A yearning to know God, to see His face, to glimpse His glory through the Spirit. Pray for the Spirit to fill us and use us to glorify Jesus’ Name.
4. Make a list of 5 unchurched families in your neighborhood or community to pray for, that God would open the doors for friendship and gospel conversations. If you are having trouble coming up with 5 names, pray that the Lord would introduce you to 5 families/couples/singles to pray for! Put your list somewhere you will see it everyday, and then pray earnestly for God to work in our midst…He is willing and able!
5. Pray for the Lord to raise up men to serve as Elders and Deacons to be our first class of officers at Riverside